Boundary Length in Women's Cricket
Boundary Length in Women’s Cricket

In women’s cricket, the boundary length is often overlooked amidst the excitement of the game. However, the boundary length in women’s cricket plays a significant role in shaping the strategies and showcasing the players’ skills. Beyond just numbers and scores, the playing field’s size impacts the game’s dynamics, highlighting the players’ athleticism. Each boundary hit represents a triumph of skill and strategy, adding intrigue to the match. Understanding the significance of boundary length in women’s cricket can deepen our appreciation for the sport and the strategic manoeuvres employed by the players.

What is the boundary length in cricket?

According to the rules set by the International Cricket Council (ICC) for men’s T20 cricket, the size of a cricket ground is determined by the distance of the boundary from the pitch. The ICC has set rules stating that the boundary should be at least 65 yards (about 59.43 meters) and 90 yards (about 82.29 meters) from the centre of the pitch. This helps ensure that every venue has a fair and challenging playing area. By setting these limits, the ICC aims to maintain consistency across different cricket grounds and provide an even playing field for all teams participating in T20 matches.

Is boundary length in women’s cricket different from Men’s cricket?

In women’s cricket, you might notice that the boundary rope—the edge of the field—is usually closer than in men’s cricket. This difference occurs due to several reasons. One significant factor is the strength and power behind the shots played by female cricketers. They might not hit the ball as far as male cricketers do, primarily because of differences in physical strength and playing techniques. In cricket, hitting the ball far is important for scoring runs. But in women’s cricket, the players might not hit the ball as far because they might have different muscle power than men. Also, their techniques might generate less force behind the shots.

The boundaries are set closer to the pitch to ensure the game is still fair and exciting. This helps balance things out between the bat and the ball. It means that even though the ball might not travel as far, there’s still a chance for the players to score runs. So, while you might see a smaller boundary in women’s cricket, it’s all about keeping the game competitive and fun for everyone involved.

Boundary length for women’s cricket

In women’s cricket, the boundary ropes must be between 55 and 64 meters, while in men’s cricket, they range from 59 to 82 meters.

Why is Boundary length shorter in women’s cricket?

The boundary length in women’s cricket is often shorter than in men’s cricket due to several factors:

Physical Differences: On average, men tend to have greater muscle mass and physical strength than women. Consequently, male cricketers can hit the ball with more power and send it farther across the field, while female cricketers may not generate the same force, resulting in shorter ball distances.

Technique: Cricketing techniques also vary between genders. While men and women strive to hit the ball effectively, their approaches may differ. Female cricketers might focus more on timing and placement rather than solely relying on power hitting, which can affect the distance the ball travels.

Safety Considerations: Shortening the boundary length in women’s cricket can enhance player safety. Since female players might not hit the ball as forcefully as male players, a shorter boundary reduces the risk of injuries caused by fielders colliding with perimeter obstacles or diving attempts to save boundaries.

Promoting Fairness and Balance: Cricketing authorities aim to maintain a fair balance between bat and ball in women’s cricket matches by adjusting the boundary length. A shorter boundary encourages more competitive gameplay and ensures that runs can still be effectively scored, even if the ball doesn’t travel as far.

In summary, the shorter boundary length in women’s cricket reflects physical differences, playing techniques, safety considerations, and the goal of promoting fairness and competitiveness in the sport.

Recent Developments: Women’s Premier League looking to push boundaries

In the Women’s Premier League 2024, Shafali Verma hit a long six, showing how women’s cricket is getting stronger and fitter. This has initiated the discussion on pushing boundary lengths to the standard size. But before doing that, everyone, including players and coaches, needs a long discussion and trial.

Even if the boundaries stay the same for now, it’s worth thinking about making them the same for both men’s and women’s cricket. This is because players in both games are getting better at hitting the ball. The normal boundary lengths were given at a recent game, and people talked about how the game has changed.

There is some more road to travel, but there has been a marked improvement from last year to this year in their performance, regardless of the boundary size,” Maben, now a consultant with the Namibia women’s cricket team, told PTI.

So, the scope for increasing the boundary length in women’s cricket increases as physical obstructions do not affect the players’ performance.

One Australian player said it’s hard to sleep when the boundaries are too short, especially when big hitters like Smriti Mandhana are playing. With more players working hard and the cricket board putting in effort, we can expect to see more big hitters in women’s cricket in the future.

Boundary length in women’s cricket in Test matches and T-20

According to the rules set by the International Cricket Council (ICC) for women’s T20 cricket, there are specific guidelines for the maximum and minimum distance of the boundary from the centre of the pitch. The maximum distance allowed is 70 yards (about 64 meters), while the minimum is 60 yards (about 54.86 meters). However, a cricket ground can still host games if it doesn’t meet these minimum boundary requirements but has been previously approved to host international matches.In such cases, the boundary will be adjusted to make the playing area as large as possible.

Let’s discuss some cricket grounds worldwide and their boundary sizes. The Melbourne Cricket Ground in Australia has the biggest square boundary, measuring approximately 86.23 meters. Kolkata’s Eden Gardens boasts the largest square boundary, approximately 66.26 meters in India.

When it comes to straight boundaries, the Sydney Cricket Ground in Australia holds the record for the longest at approximately 93.72 meters. Again, in India, Eden Gardens stands out with a straight boundary size of about 76.23 meters.

Conversely, Eden Park in New Zealand has the shortest straight boundary, measuring just 55 meters. The Wanderers in Johannesburg, South Africa, have the shortest square boundary, spanning only about 64 meters.

In India, the Arun Jaitley Stadium (formerly known as the Feroz Shah Kotla) in Delhi holds the distinction of having both the shortest straight boundary, at a mere 60 meters, and the square boundary, measuring about 56 meters.Its straight boundary is a mere 60 meters, while the square boundary measures about 56 meters.

These variations in boundary sizes add an extra layer of challenge and excitement to cricket matches worldwide.

The size of the playing field significantly influences the unfolding of women’s cricket Test matches.Unlike men’s Test matches, where the field is bigger, women’s Test matches have a smaller area to play in. In men’s matches, the boundaries can range from 65 to 90 yards (about 59.44 to 82.30 meters). However, for women’s test matches, the boundaries are tighter, ranging from 55 to 70 yards (about 50.29 to 64.01 meters).

This difference in boundary size isn’t just because men and women have different bodies. It also affects how the game is played. With smaller boundaries, players have less space to hit the ball far, so they must be more careful and precise with their shots. It’s not just about hitting the ball hard; it’s about placing it where it needs to go.

Women’s Test matches still showcase incredible skill and strategy despite these challenges. Players must be smart about their play, using their talents to outsmart the opposition. It’s not always about hitting big shots; sometimes, the small, clever moves make all the difference.

Even though the boundaries are smaller, women’s Test matches are still packed with excitement and talent. They are a true test of skill and resilience, showing the world how amazing women’s cricket can be.


The boundary length in women’s cricket plays an important role in maintaining the essence of the game. With dimensions ranging between 55 and 70 yards (50.29 and 64.01 meters), the playing field presents a unique challenge that demands players’ balance of skill, strategy, and adaptability. While these boundaries may be smaller than men’s cricket, they highlight the distinct characteristics and nuances of the women’s game. Players showcase their athleticism, precision, and tactical understanding within these confines, crafting a compelling narrative of competition and camaraderie. Ultimately, the boundary length in women’s cricket contributes to the sport’s rich tapestry, adding depth and intrigue to every match while celebrating the remarkable talent and resilience of female cricketers worldwide.

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