Gautam Gambhir Phone Number

Get access to \Gautam Gambhir’s contact information, including home address, email, phone number and social media links for celebrity cricketers.

You may have questions like 

  • Gautam Gambhir phone number 
  • Gautam Gambhir personal phone number
  • Gautam Gambhir Whatsapp number 2024
  • How can I contact Gautam Gambhir? 
  • What is Gautam Gambhir’s email address? And many more.

We have the answers for the questions!

Lets grab all the contact details of the celebrity cricketer Gautam Gambhir

What is Gautam Gambhir Phone Number

Gautam Gambhir Phone Number is+91- 9818287292. This will surely help you get in touch with Gautam Gambhir and book him for special events.

If the above number is not reachable, here are the alternate numbers:

Gautam Gambhir Alternate Phone Numbers

Old Gautam Gambhir Phone Number +91 7016719502

New Gautam Gambhir Phone Number +91 985210XXXX

2nd Gautam Gambhir Phone Number +91 990470XXXX

Gautam Gambhir Whatsapp Phone Number Contact Details

Gautam Gambhir New WhatsApp Number +91 985210XXXX

Gautam Gambhir WhatsApp Mobile Number +91 990470XXXX

Gautam Gambhir Ka Real Mobile Number +91 981828XXXX

Gautam Gambhir Ka WhatsApp Group             Currently private group

Contact Gautam Gambhir through social media accounts

Contacting by Gautam Gambhir phone number may not work as he is a celebrity and would not entertain everybody.

Its always better to contact Gautam Gambhir on social media. Here are the following details: 

Social Media AccountsProfile LinkFollowers Count
Instagram ID@gautamgambhir558.2  Million
Facebook PageGautam Gambhir6.5 Million
Twitter ID@GautamGambhir12.7 Million

Contact Gautam Gambhir by visiting him personally

Its important to provide privacy for celebrity cricketer Gautam Gambhir, the below address provided can be used to book appointment and later visit so we respect their personal life.

House AddressR/O 6B/8, N.E.A. Old Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi 110060
Phone Number+91 9818287292
ResidenceOld Rajinder Nagar, New Dehli
Email IdNot Available
Fax NumberNot Available
Whatsapp Number+91 9904708172

List of all possible ways to contact Indian cricketer Gautam Gambhir

Gautam Gambhir Phone Number                        +91- 9818287292

Old Gautam Gambhir Phone Number             +91 701671XXXX

New Gautam Gambhir Phone Number             +91 985210XXXX

2nd Gautam Gambhir Phone Number             +91 990470XXXX

Gautam Gambhir New WhatsApp Number +91 985210XXXX

Gautam Gambhir WhatsApp Mobile Number +91 9904708172

Gautam Gambhir Ka Real Mobile Number +91 981828XXXX

Gautam Gambhir Ka WhatsApp Group             Currently private group

Gautam Gambhir Offical Email Id

Gautam Gambhir is a key member of BCCI and his official email id is –

You can send an email and one of the managers Gautam Gambhir will get in touch with you shortly.

How to approach Gautam Gambhir through emails and WhatsApp?

Subject: Invitation to [Your Event] – Aligning with Your Passion for Cricket and Philanthropy

Dear Mr. Gautam,

I hope this message finds you well. My name is [Your Name], and I represent [Your Organization/Event]. We are reaching out to you with great enthusiasm and admiration for your outstanding contributions to the world of cricket and your commendable philanthropic endeavors.

Cricket Enthusiasm:

We are hosting [Your Event], an occasion that celebrates [brief description of the event]. Given your exceptional achievements in cricket, we believe your presence would not only add prestige to the event but also resonate with our audience who share a profound love for the sport. Your insights and experiences in the world of cricket would undoubtedly inspire and captivate our attendees.

Fitness and Healthy Lifestyle:

We are particularly impressed by your dedication to fitness and a healthy lifestyle. [Optional: Share a brief detail about how your event promotes health and fitness]. Your commitment to maintaining peak physical condition is truly admirable, and we believe it aligns well with the values we uphold at [Your Organization/Event].

Philanthropic Impact:

Moreover, we are inspired by your active involvement in philanthropy. [Optional: Mention any specific causes your event supports that align with Gautam Gambhir’s charitable work]. Your commitment to making a positive impact on society is something we deeply respect, and we believe your presence at [Your Event] could further amplify the message and support for these causes.

We understand the demands on your time and appreciate the busy schedule you maintain. To provide more details and discuss the specifics, we would be honored to arrange a meeting at your convenience or connect through a channel that suits your preferences.

Thank you for considering our invitation, Mr. Gautam. We are hopeful that your participation will make [Your Event] an even more memorable and impactful occasion.

Warm regards,

[Your Full Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Contact Information]

Remember to customize the template according to the specifics of your event and to maintain a professional and respectful tone throughout. Additionally, ensure that you use the most current information available about Gautam Gambhir’s interests and activities.

How to make an impactful first impression while contacting Gautam Gambhir

1. Be Polite and Respectful:

Start your message with a polite and respectful tone. Use proper language and avoid being overly casual or intrusive. Begin by addressing him as “Mr. Gautam Gambhir” to maintain formality.

2. Clearly State Your Purpose:

Communicate why you want to meet him. Be transparent about your intentions, Whether for an interview, collaboration, or any other reason. Mention your admiration for Gautam Gambhir’s achievements in cricket.

3. Brief Introduction:

Introduce yourself briefly. Provide relevant information about who you are, your background, and why connecting with Mr. Gautam Gambhir is important. Highlight any common ground, such as a shared passion for cricket.

4. Highlight Common Interests:

If applicable, highlight any common interests or connections you may share. This can make your message more relatable and engaging. Express your enthusiasm for cricket and mention any particular matches or moments that inspired you.

5. Express Genuine Interest:

Express genuine interest in Mr. Gautam Gambhir’s work, achievements, or contributions. This demonstrates that you’ve done your research and appreciate his efforts. Acknowledge specific accomplishments that resonate with you.

6. Be Concise:

Keep your message concise and to the point. Avoid lengthy paragraphs and get to the main purpose of your message quickly. Respect his time and attention, ensuring your message is easy to read.

7. Provide Contact Information:

Include your contact information in the message so that Mr. Gautam Gambhir can easily respond. This may include your email address or any other preferred means of communication. Ensure your contact details are clear and accurate.

8. Acknowledge His Busy Schedule:

Recognize that Mr. Gautam Gambhir may have a busy schedule. Be understanding if he is unable to respond immediately or if scheduling a meeting proves challenging. Show appreciation for his time constraints.

9. Suggest Flexible Options:

If you are proposing a meeting, suggest flexible options that can accommodate Mr. Gautam Gambhir’s schedule. Being considerate of his time increases the likelihood of a positive response. Offer alternative dates and times for the meeting.

10. Consider a Thoughtful Gift:

If appropriate and within respectful boundaries, consider gifting something related to cricket or a thoughtful item that Mr. Gautam Gambhir might appreciate. This could be a cricket memorabilia or a book on the sport. Ensure the gift is tasteful and not overly extravagant.

Remember to adapt these points based on the specific nature of your message and the context of your interaction.

By following the above steps while contacting Gautam Gambhir you will for sure be successful!

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